Okay, so. Hello Internet!
I've been meaning to start a blog or something along this line for a while, but my every other attempt has ended in either forgetting to post anything, or just plain forgetting my password after leaving it too long! But with everything that's gonna be happening over the next year and a bit, I want to track it, and let everyone know what's going on with me, no matter where I am in the world.
So what will be happening with me? Well, next year I'll be studying at Stendhal III, Université de Grenoble, in the Rhone-Alpes region of France, as part of my course as a French and Spanish lanuages student (excitement!). But before that, I'll be travelling even further afield, to Australia! (France isn't that far for me, really, as a UK citizen). My parents have just moved out there, so my plan for the summer is to head out there and see them, and spend my 2 months off hanging on beaches in Townsville, Queensland, Australia (even more excitement!).
But even before that I have visas and ERASMUS paperwork and accommodation and flights and travel to sort out, so this will be documenting that as well as my adventures and fun once I get out there! And you lucky people get to be a party to this, so enjoy the madness and the fun and the general shenanigans that'll be happening in my life over the next year and a bit.